Dr. Dan Kelley, geologist, and educator leads…

Galapagos Islands Adventure

Students, Recent Graduates, Educators, and others

5-13 July 2025

Don’t miss out – get on the interest list so you are notified when it opens (this trip books out fast)

This nine-day (8 night) field trip to the Galapagos Islands will expand your knowledge of plate tectonics, volcanic activity, and volcanic hazards by visiting textbook settings. The group will meet in Quito, Ecuador on Saturday the 5th before flying together to spend 7 days in the Galapagos Islands. This trip will provide up close and hands-on exploration of volcanic features across the chain. Sites will include exploring young basaltic lava fields, lava tunnels in the tropical highlands, tuff cones along the seashore, and snorkeling to see submerged features. While retracing Charles Darwin’s landmark visit to the islands, there will be much to learn regarding ecology and the amazing flora and fauna that inspired the Theory of Natural Selection. As the first designated natural UNESCO World Heritage site, the Galapagos Islands are a shining example of conservation and sustainable tourism.

Participants will practice skills of observation and interpretation of geologic features and phenomena ranging from hand sample to the scale of field sites, to tracking plate tectonics. The group will take away life-changing experiences, lesson ideas, examples, and perspectives.


This trip is open to anyone with an interest in geoscience.


Price  $US 4,295 (not including flight to/from Quito.  All other costs, breakfast & lunches, internal flights etc are included.  Dinners are not included)

Registration is open!

Registration requires a US$200 refundable deposit (see the refund policy below).

Some frequently asked questions about these adventures!

Do I need to be a geologist or an educator to join the trip?

This is not a requirement but is in fact the intended audience.  This trip is not a vacation.  The days will be spent discussing geology, ecology, and natural science education. 

How much physical activity will there be?  Am I in good enough shape?

On most days, there will be low to moderate distances and difficulty hiking.  There will be three occasions for snorkeling.  There will potentially be one occasion with horseback riding (no experience required).  There will be one or two occasions with ~4 miles of hiking throughout the day.

Do I need to get any shots/vaccines prior to travel?

A full vaccination for COVID is required of all GEOetc. participants.  There are no vaccines required to enter Ecuador or for re-entry to the US.  You may check the websites of the US Department of state and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for recommendations in order to inform your own decisions. 

Is Ecuador safe?


What if I want to spend more time on my own in Ecuador before or after the trip?

I can most definitely provide you with a lot of advice and recommendations.  I know many hotels, guides, drivers, restaurants, sites, etc.  Please contact me to discuss your ideas about what you would like to do before or after our itinerary so that I can help you to create an experience that is safe and is what you are looking for in terms of activities and budget.

Refund & Insurance policy –  Galapagos 2025 Trip
Trip payment (including deposit) is fully refundable minus a US$50 administration fee up till COB on December 1, 2024.   Full payment is due before January 15, 2025.  There are no refunds after January 15, 2025. All participants must provide evidence for health & travel insurance for the trip period when full payment is made. 

Galapagos Islands Adventure July 2025
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