An in-class simulation where students play the role of scientists providing information about the possible eruption of volcanoes on an island.
You split your glass into these groups:
Deformation team
Well water and Weather team
Seismic team
Eruption Center
You are provided with slips of paper with data for each team for each time period. Each team has instructions on what to do with the data – and how they have to provide a report to the Eruption Center team who announce the current eruption status to all.
You start by handing the first data slip to each team and let them analyze the data and provide advice to the Eruption Center. After 10 mins you hand the next slip. Then after 8 mins the next…each time reducing the time putting pressure on the teams to do their job.
This is an exciting, interactive activity – and noisy!
Be prepared for fun!
You can find more free activities like this on the GEOetc Teacher Resources page
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And why not join us in the field for one of our Teacher Earth Science Adventures