Follow your teacher’s instructions before starting this quiz.

Here are 10 general questions about weathering and erosion.  Provide an answer for each question and then click SUBMIT.


What name is given to the slow moving river of ice that can move massive amounts of rock material over a long period of time?

When rocks are freezing and thawing each year in a wet climate, the form of physical weathing will most probably be...

The formation of a mushroom rock is an example of...

The movement of fragments of rock by wind, water, ice or gravity is called...

What is the name for all the rock material that is moved by a river?

Chemical weathering of limestone can leave these strange channels in the rock. We call this process...

If we find sand where all the grains are exactly the same size, we can conclude that it was moved by...

A marble statue slowing dissolving in rain water is an example of...

Which of the following is an NOT an agent of erosion?

The physical or chemical breakdown of rock into smaller fragments is called...

Weathering & Erosion Quiz
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